This month we would like to share with you various pictures (below) of the long and difficult process involved with getting Bibles safely delivered into the hands of hungry tribal Christians in a remote part of Myanmar (Burma).
Asia Harvest has been privileged to provide millions of copies of God's Word in 68 different Asian languages. Please pray for our Bible projects, which are a vital lifeline to His people throughout Asia.
We warmly invite you to pray for our Bible projects, and to join with us to help meet the needs of many tribal believers throughout Asia, some of whom have been without Bibles for decades.
May God continue to feed millions of His children throughout Asia with the Bread of Life!
The team at Asia Harvest
Step One: by Truck
10,000 Bibles begin their journey from a secret location.
Step Two: by Car
Local Christians provide their vehicles to move God's Word to the next stage of the journey.
Step Three: by Boat
Boxes of Bibles being transported in a Burmese long-boat.
Step Four: up the River Bank
All hands required to bring the heavy boxes up to the road.
Step Five: by Motorcycle
The journey is nearing completion.
Step Six: on Foot
Local Christians gleefully carry Bibles back to their waiting village.
Step Seven: Delivery Completed!
These precious tribal Christians receive God's Word for the first time in more than 20 years.
Thank you for praying and giving to make all this possible!
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest