Because of your prayers and support we are currently able to support
943 "living martyrs" every month.
A martyr has been defined as "a Christian who chooses to suffer death rather than deny Christ, or His work... One who sacrifices something very important to further the Kingdom of God... and endures great suffering for Christian witness."
In many parts of Asia today, Christians are still beaten and persecuted for their faith. Church leaders have provided us with lists of hundreds of leaders who have been disabled or who face long-term illness or injury as a result of persecution and imprisonment. The Living Martyrs’ Fund assists pastors and evangelists who are unable to work because of persecution. They and their families face extreme poverty and hardship. Christian widows and the families of imprisoned Christians are also supported.
You can support one or more of these living 'martyrs' with a donation of US $25 per month each.
We invite you to read our 2017 and 2020 newsletters about the
Living Martyrs' Fund.
Below are just a few of the letters we have received from 'living martyrs' in China. Names and locations have been changed to protect their identities.
Brother Song:
"I was in the prison for three years because of my walk with the Lord Jesus. Because of the 'welcome' (torture) I received, I am now unable to walk. I also have chronic arthritis. In the darkest days in my dungeon I prayed and asked the Lord to take my life, but he always lovingly told me that his grace was sufficient for me. I also thank God for my dear wife and children. Now that I am out of the prison I look for every opportunity to share my faith. I am an elder in the local church. Thank God for His mercy and your financial support which helps keep my family alive and strengthens our faith so we can put our whole lives into serving the Living God."
Brother Peter:
"I was the leader of our evangelism team. Since my health deteriorated in the prison, I have been unable to work with my hands and we were forced to sell all our possessions to visit the doctor. My family is now so poor and we cannot even afford to buy any salt for our meals. And I cannot afford my children to attend school simply because we have no money. But my mother is a strong believer in God's promises. She prayed for abundant grace from God, and trusted God to provide all our needs. She always quoted the Psalm that God's servants and their children will not become beggars. On the second day of mother's prayer we found a fifty dollar bill hidden in our cupboard. Then I knew that God had sent someone to help us in time of need. Thank God for your support in Christ. Both my team and family are so grateful to God."
Brother Mordecai:
"I was a full-time worker and served 350 churches. I thank God for He loves me. Even when I was in prison and the prison guards broke my arm, I knew my God still cares for me. After I was released from prison I had cerebral paralysis. God still uses me to preach the gospel to many people. In my time of darkness I have received your support, praise the Lord! Without this help we would not know where to turn. Sometimes the local believers help us by giving us eggs or vegetables because they can see our need. Other times we just tell the Lord we are fasting because there is no food. Although I cannot travel freely now, I find a constant flow of brothers and sisters are now coming to our door for prayer and counsel. We are thankful that we can use your gifts not only on our own needs, but also to provide food and comfort to those ministry leaders who come to us."