Operation Profiles

The 'Operation' Series


The following people group profiles are a continuation of a series of books released years ago. Operation China was the first, followed by Peoples of the Buddhist World. Up next is Operation Myanmar that is being offered for free to download exclusively from this page. Once all profiles have been released, the book will be made available for purchase. The vision of the Operation Series is an ambitious one and a worthwhile read if you aren't familiar with it yet. You can read about it here. Consider subscribing to receive notifications direct to your email the moment each profile goes live!

To search profiles from one of Paul's books, click the book or use the search bar below.

TIP: Use the search bar to search by country, or by people group name, or by country and people group name.

Editor Placeholder


Endnotes referenced in the

profiles can be found here:

Operation Myanmar Endnotes
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