The Children's Fund

The Children's Fund

Help Thousands of Precious Children Hear the Gospel

Your generous support has so far enabled 224,632 Asian children to hear the Gospel. Thousands have placed their trust in Jesus Christ.


This strategic project has impacted the lives of thousands of children, their families, and their communities. Through The Children's Fund we print children’s Bibles and story books, train workers in children’s ministry, and support orphans. We also help numerous humanitarian initiatives that are always accompanied by the proclamation of the Gospel, including providing hundreds of wheelchairs to disabled children, supporting the children of persecuted church leaders, and rescuing girls from sexual slavery in South Asia. We invite you to join with us in praying for the salvation of Asia’s children. By reaching them, entire communities and ethnic groups are being impacted for the kingdom of God. The average cost to help reach a child through this project is just $10.

Our long-term initiative called Project Smile, which provided more than 15,000 surgeries to children in Vietnam over 15 years, has now been placed under the umbrella of our Children's Fund.

We invite you to read the following articles to learn more about The Children's Fund:

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