Asian Workers' Fund

Asian Workers' Fund

Supporting Asian Evangelists Among 1,272 Unreached People Groups

Because of your prayers and partnership we are currently supporting 1,763 Asian workers among 1,272 different unreached tribes and ethnic groups. The evangelists we help have reported an all-time total of 1,532,690 conversions to Christ.


The Asian Workers’ Fund assists church-planting evangelists who are involved in strategic ministry in Asia. These servants of the Lord have committed their whole lives to the Gospel but are hindered by lack of finances. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring one or more of these dedicated workers with a donation of $25 or more per month. You will receive a prayer card about the missionary you are supporting.

Learn more about the Asian Workers' Fund by reading our detailed newsletter, which explains everything about how we implement this crucial project.

We invite you to read the following articles to learn more about the project:

Note: Below is a sample of a few of the many ethnic groups we support workers among.

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