Newsletter Archives

Newsletter Archives

We are glad to share all publications of the Asia Harvest newsletter with you, dating back to 2001.

You can either click on each individual publication, or click on the link at the top of each year’s list for a combined file of all newsletters from that year. The combined files may be large and might take a while to download.

Also please note that the addresses, bank details and other contact information printed on many of our older newsletters are outdated. Please do not send letters to those old addresses. Our current contact details can be found here.


#201 A Rescue Shop at the Gates of Hell - Shining the Light of Jesus in the Darkness of Asia

#200- 2024 Year in Review - Proclaiming God's Works in our 200th Newsletter


2024 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#199- 20 Million Miracles ...and counting.

#198- The 'Operation' Series

#197- Myanmar - War and Revival

#196- The Koho People - Bibles at last for the Koho of Vietnam

#195- Hainan - The Reality of Revival

#194- Hainan - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#193- Annual Report - No Shrinking Back in Times of Chaos


2023 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#192 - The Lisu People - Providing God's Word to Hungry Believers

#191a - China Update - President Xi Jinping and His Role in the World

#191b - China Update Reference Sources Page

#190 - The Ministry Training Fund – Introducing a New Core Asia Harvest Project

#189 - Not Without Witness - Excerpts from our New Shaanxi Book

#188 - Shaanxi - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#187 - Revival in Myanmar - A Strategic Opportunity to Impact the Whole Country

#186 - Annual Report - The Blessing of Fruitful Partnership


2022 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#185 - A Voice From China - Interview With a Senior House Church Leader

#184 - Despised by Men, Loved by God - Reaching Lepers for Jesus Christ

#183 - Genocide in Xinjiang & The Camel Herder’s Daughter

#182 - Xinjiang - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#181 - May 2022 - The Asian Workers' Fund - The Heartbeat of Asia Harvest

#180 - Bibles for the Wa People - From Demon-Worshippers to Children of God

#179 - Annual Report - The Grace of God is Sufficient


2021 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#178 - In Memory of George Chen - Forever 'In the Garden'

#177 - Communism vs Christ - 15 Million Bibles in the Dragon's Den

#176 - 100 Years of Communism in China - We Reveal the Hero of the Century

#175 - Covid Lockdowns - "Please Help us Stay Alive"

#174 - Marie Monsen - The Mother of the House Churches

#173 - Henan - Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

#172 - State of the Nations in Asia - An Overview of God's Kingdom in Asia

#171 – 2021 Annual Report – A Renewed Focus for the Peoples of Asia


2020 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#170 - China Update - The Battle for China's One Billion Souls

#169 - The Least of These - Helping Christian Widows in India

#168 - From Darkness to Light - A Tibetan Monk's Testimony

#167 - Tibet - The Roof of the World - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#166 - The Sqaw Karen - A Tribe Desperate for God's Word

#165 - Virus Response - Helping Thousands of Families Survive the Crisis

#164 - Trouble in China - The Brutal Persecution of the Chinese Church

#163 - 2020 Annual Report - Real Faith in Perilous Times


2019 Asia Harvest Newsletters (combined)

#162 - The China Bible Fund - 12 Million Bibles and Counting

#161 - The Cedar of Lebanon - A Testimony from China

#160 - Zhejiang - The Jerusalem of China - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#159 - Jesus in the Himalayas - Sharing the Gospel on the Roof of the World

#158 - China Update - A Message from the Church in China

#157 - God's Precious Word - Bibles for the Khiamniungan Tribe

#156 - Guizhou - A New Book by Paul Hattaway

#155 - 2019 Annual Report - 'By My Spirit' Says the Lord

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