Asia Harvest is a non-denominational Christian ministry working in various countries throughout Asia to see effective churches planted among unreached people groups. We work alongside Asian church leaders, helping and equipping them to focus on reaching the lost. Among the countries we focus on include China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), and Cambodia. Within these countries live more than 3,000 unreached tribes and ethnic groups, so there is plenty of work to do!
Asia Harvest is a 'faith' ministry supported by God's people. We are registered as a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non-profit organization in the United States. We also have offices or representatives in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany and Malaysia.
To learn more about what we believe and do, please read our doctrinal statement and our mission statement below. For an overview of our work, please read our latest Annual Report. We invite you subscribe to our free newsletter. Our past newsletters are archived here.
We want to see millions of people from every tribe and people group experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus as they are reached with the Gospel, meeting in Scripturally-based local meetings, and having a strong desire for evangelism and outreach. We have a strategic focus on the tribes and people groups of Asia that are the most unreached and least helped.
Our mission is first of all to please God, then to serve, work with, and help equip the local fellowship of believers in Asia, by acting as a link between them and believers from all around the world, so that they can more effectively reach the unreached tribes and people groups of Asia.
Our goal is to exalt Jesus, by asking the Asian fellowship of believers how we can help them. We plan to accomplish our vision by providing an opportunity for individuals and organizations to pray for and support specific projects led by the fellowship of believers in Asia, helping provide the resources that are requested, thus equipping the Asian believers through our links with other fellowships of believers. We also write books and prayer material to encourage all believers in their support of the Asian Church.
We work with fellowships and organizations in various ways, such as printing of Bibles and evangelistic materials, help in training and seminars for indigenous believers' groups, aiding evangelists in their efforts to share the Gospel, humanitarian aid in situations where this will help in promoting the Gospel, helping those who have lost their income because of their faith, and providing research materials to aid in reaching the unreached. Through partnering with those having similar goals, we have been blessed to have had a part in fellowships being started in previously unreached people groups in Asia.
We have developed good contacts with many people around the world, networking with believers that are people of integrity. We do not function as a missionary-sending agency, but rather as a link between believers in Asia and the rest of the world.
We believe we can be most effective by working as a servant of the Asian Church. We strive to be unique in the missions' community, in service to others, being strategic in focus, innovative in actions, and streamlined in operations. We strive to work with other strategic ministries that have a similar vision and principles, and with leaders that have a record of integrity and humility.
We have no hidden agendas, desiring instead to serve the vision that God has already given His people. Neither do we try to control or impose any one denomination on the fellowships we serve.
We are conscientious of being faithful in serving, integrity, fruitfulness, innovation, and the willingness to "go against the flow" when it is the right thing to do. We accomplish this by being spiritually and financially accountable to a board of respected mission leaders.