Total time: 6:22 - Tour the areas that Asia Harvest has been working in for over 20 years.
Total time: 6:13 - "Lost" reveals the heartbeat of our ministry in Asia: seeking and saving the unreached peoples who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Total time: 8:09 - "Beautiful Feet" shares God’s heart for the unreached and un-told people groups of Asia, and reveals the best and most effective way of reaching them.
Total time: 9:29 - Many had cried out for decades for God’s Word to come to the Sqaw Karen tribe in the jungles of Myanmar (Burma). A 70-year genocide against them by the Burmese military and their extreme poverty had created an intense hunger for the Bible, and it was our great honor to provide the Scriptures to these precious believers.
Total time: 2:23 - This short video was shot at the Bible dedication ceremony, as the Sakachep people came together to celebrate having God's Word in their language for the first time.
Total time: 4:20 - “The Greatest Story Never Told” provides a gripping visual overview of the great need for Bibles in Asia today.
Total time: 2:25 - Asia Harvest and our partner are privileged to serve the physical and spiritual needs of hundreds of lepers in India. God's love has conquered them, and more than 90 percent of lepers we are in contact with have committed their lives to Jesus Christ! Enjoy our short video on Asia Harvest's Ministry to Lepers.
To understand the secrets to the great revival in China, which has swept more than 100 million people into God’s kingdom, watch “The Cross in China” series of precious videos, which was produced by the China Soul for Christ Foundation in 2003.
This rare series is what the Church in China themselves wanted to say to us, with many key leaders agreeing to appear on camera to testify of the wonderful works of God. Many have since gone to be with the Lord.
If you wish to learn the secrets of the greatest Christian revival in history, and to prepare your heart for coming persecution in your country, we encourage you to invest the time to prayerfully watch all 4 videos in the series.
Total time: 57:58- Part 1 gives an overview of the rebirth that the Gospel has brought to a broad spectrum of people in modern China. Included are testimonies from farmers, students, officials, criminals, orphans, actors, writers, scientists, and entrepreneurs.
Total time: 55:28 - Recount the bloody footprints of the Chinese missionaries of the older generation, particularly in the past fifty years. This episode tells the stories of Wang Mingdao, John Sung, Watchman Nee, Allen Yuan, Samuel Lamb, Moses Xie, Yang Xinfei, and Epaphras. Without understanding this foundation of suffering, it is impossible to grasp the reasons for the massive revival in China today.
Total time: 1:03:46 - Abounds with compelling testimonies by missionaries of the younger generation. Their dedication, suffering, faithfulness, and thanksgiving have led to an unprecedented revival of the Chinese Christian Church.
Total time: 51:14 - The final part of The Cross in China shares the amazing story of a farm girl, Xiaomin. A high school dropout with no musical training, by the power of the Holy Spirit she has created more than one thousand hymns.
Total time: 0:56 - House church believers in China receive Bibles. Although this clip is now some years old, it shows the great love and respect the Chinese Christians have for the Word of God.
Total time: 5:10 - Hear the amazing testimony of George Chen – who spent 17 years shoveling human waste in prison for the Gospel. Instead of becoming bitter, he called those years his “honeymoon with Jesus” as it was the only place in the prison he could go to be alone to pray and worship God. George was later released and traveled to various parts of the world, sharing his testimony.
Unreached people groups are the heartbeat of Asia Harvest's ministry. Below are video clips of more than 40 of Asia's most unevangelized tribes and people groups. Please pray for these groups as God leads you. One day there will be believers from each one of them worshipping around the throne of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ (Revelation 5:6-10).
The mightiest mountain range on earth – the Himalayas – contain hundreds of unreached tribes and people groups. From Pakistan in the west to Bhutan in the east, few people have ever heard the Gospel, and because of geographic, linguistic, social and religious barriers, this area remains one of the most unevangelized in the world. These rare videos are used with permission of the K2 Association.
Total time: 7:19
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Total time: 12:08
Caleb Resources have graciously allowed us to use the following short video clips of unreached people groups in Central, South and East Asia. The full version of these videos and many others are part of the outstanding Unreached Peoples DVD Collection.
Total time: 3:22
Total time: 5:04
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Total time: 2:56
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Total time: 4:39
Total time: 4:24
Total time: 3:34
Total time: 7:48
Total time: 3:34
Total time: 3:15
Total time: 4:45
Total time: 1:35 - An introduction to China's tribal minority groups. Un-reached peoples waiting to hear the Gospel of Christ.
Total time: 9:56 - Visit the unreached Amdo Tibetans – a semi-nomadic people of werstern China with little knowledge of the Gospel. Produced by Challenge for Christ Ministries.
Total time: 5:43 - More then 3 million Bai people live in southwest China, with little access to the Gospel. Produced by The Institute of Chinese Studies.
Total time: 7:12 - Visit the various subgroups of the unevangelized Buddhist Dai people of southwest China. Produced by The Institute of Chinese Studies.
Total time: 9:48 - More then 3 million unreached Dong people live in southern China. Visit their villages and discover their fascinating culture. Produced by The Institute of Chinese Studies.
Total time: 4:04 - The 300,000 Qiang people of Sichuan Province are thought by some to be descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel. Produced by The Institute of Chinese Studies.
Total time: 12:20 - The Tibetans remain one of the most unevangelized peoples on earth. Produced by The Institute of Chinese Studies.
Total time: 3:14 - The Chin State in western Myanmar is home to several tribes, including the Chin and Konyak. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 2:27 - Visit the Kachin people of northern Myanmar – a strong Christian tribe. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 3:14 - Myanmar is home to the Buddhist Kayah people. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 1:56 - Visit our Christian brothers and sisters of the Lisu tribe in northern Myanmar. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 4:58 - Myanmar is home to the fascinating Padaung tribe, commonly known as the "Long-Necks". Visit this unreached tribe. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 3:16 - Myanmar is home to more than 1 million Buddhist Mon people. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 3:33 - Rakhine State in western Myanmar is home to many unreached tribes, including the Thet, Chaunga, Rakhine, and Mru. Produced by VideoSoft.
Total time: 4:30 - The Shan State in eastern Myanmar is home to many unreached tribes, including the Palaung, Shan, Intha, Pa-O, Danau, and Taungyo. Produced by VideoSoft.