"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3)
"You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." (Revelation 5:7-9)
This month our newsletter is a little different than normal — We want to take this opportunity to give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to also thank our supporters for their prayers and generous donations, which have recently enabled us to reach the milestone of supporting evangelists among more than 500 different unreached people groups in India!
All glory to the Living God for the great things He has done! When Asia Harvest started many years ago we would have been amazed if the Lord had used our lives to impact just one unreached people group for His kingdom! We never imagined that one day (in conjunction with many wonderful ministry partners) we would be helping to reach 500 people groups in a single country, while impacting nearly 1,000 different ethnic groups throughout all of Asia.
Where did this vision begin for us? It dates back to a powerful dream the Spirit of God gave to Paul about 30 years ago when he was starting out on his journey with the Lord. The following account is an excerpt from Paul's autobiography, "An Asian Harvest". If you have not yet read the book and would like to, please let us know. It can be ordered from our website, or a free copy will be sent to anyone who requests it when they send a donation:
"One night I had a vivid dream which deeply impacted me and altered the course of my life. In the dream, I was walking along a mountain trail that was strewn with rocks of various shapes and sizes. The rocks represented different unreached people groups. Some were huge and others relatively small, but all were deeply entrenched in the soil on the side of the mountain. As I walked along, I tried to push them loose so that they would tumble down into the valley below. I sat on the ground and used my legs to push against the stubborn boulders with all my strength, but they didn't budge from the positions they had been lodged in for centuries.
In my dream I was growing frustrated by my lack of progress, when all of a sudden a group of Asian men and women approached me on the trail. Seeing what I was trying to do, they immediately began to dig away the dirt and pebbles from around the base of a large boulder. Now that many hands were united behind the task, the boulder finally began to move. When it lurched onto its side we let out a great victory shout! We shoved and kicked it some more, and it finally rolled over again.
Before long, the seemingly immovable boulder was careening down the side of the mountain, crushing everything in its path as it gathered momentum.
Earlier, when I almost died from altitude sickness in Nepal, God had shown me a beautiful vision of His loving heart for the lost sheep of Asia. Now, through this vivid dream, He refined my call and revealed what the main focus was to be for the rest of my life. My role wasn't to personally try to start churches among Asia's unreached peoples, but to dislodge rocks and pebbles by raising awareness and partnering with the Body of Christ to get the job done.
After a while, with God's anointing, Christian fellowships would be established among many unreached groups. As the gospel continued to spread, communities of believers in each ethnic group would gather their own momentum, which would prove impossible for the devil to stop. By helping to bring in the harvest, I hoped to be counted among those who "look forward to the day of God and speed its coming" (2 Peter 3:12).
I soon discovered, however, that Satan and his armies don't react kindly when unreached people groups are being delivered from centuries of spiritual oppression. Each nation liberated by the Blood of Jesus Christ means the devil's final destination in the Lake of Fire is a step closer. I needed to prepare for unrelenting spiritual warfare. The Bible warns, "Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.'" (Revelation 12:12).
In the following two pages we present a visual display of the names of all 500 people groups in India we are privileged to support evangelists among through the Asian Workers' Fund. We are thankful to all who have joined with us in prayer and giving, and for the other ministries we have partnered with to help get the job done. Truly, the kingdom of God is "like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade" (Mark 4:31-32).
◆ Aguri ◆ Abdul ◆ Ad Dharmi ◆ Adi Andhra ◆ Agamudaiyan ◆ Ahmadi ◆ Alia ◆ Andh ◆ Ansari ◆ Arain ◆ Arakala ◆ Aray Mala ◆ Arora (Hindu) ◆ Arora (Sikh) ◆ Assamese (Muslim) ◆ Assamese (Sikh) ◆ Atari ◆ Atishbaz ◆ Badaik ◆ Badhai (Hindu) ◆ Badhai (Muslim) ◆ Badwa ◆ Bagata ◆ Bagdi ◆ Baha'i ◆ Bahna ◆ Baidya ◆ Baiga ◆ Bairagi ◆ Bairwa ◆ Bajgi ◆ Bakkarwal ◆ Balai ◆ Baija ◆ Balti ◆ Bangali ◆ Bania ◆ Bania, Agarrwal ◆ Bania, Chetti ◆ Bania, Jaiswal ◆ Bania, Komti ◆ Bania, Oswal ◆ Banjara (Hindu) ◆ Banjara (Muslim) ◆ Banjara Bhat ◆ Banka ◆ Bansphor ◆ Baori ◆ Bari (Hindu) ◆ Bari (Muslim) ◆ Bariki ◆ Barwala ◆ Basor ◆ Bathudi ◆ Batwal (Hindu) ◆ Batwal (Muslim) ◆ Bauri ◆ Bavuri ◆ Bawaria ◆ Bazigar ◆ Bedia (Hindu) ◆ Bedia (Muslim) ◆ Beg ◆ Beldar (Hindu) ◆ Beldar (Muslim) ◆ Bhand (Hindu) ◆ Bhand (Muslim) ◆ Bhandari ◆ Bhangi (Hindu) ◆ Bhangi (Muslim) ◆ Bhantu ◆ Bhar ◆ Bhat (Hindu) ◆ Bhat (Muslim) ◆ Bhatia ◆ Bhattra ◆ Bhil ◆ Bhil Barela ◆ Bhil Kataria ◆ Bhil Paware ◆ Bhil Vasave ◆ Bhisti ◆ Bhogta ◆ Bhoi ◆ Bhoi Ghogra ◆ Bhoksa ◆ Bhotia ◆ Bhotia, Sikkim ◆ Bhottada ◆ Bhoyar ◆ Bhuinhar ◆ Bhuinmali ◆ Bhuiya ◆ Bhulia ◆ Bhumia ◆ Bhumij ◆ Biar ◆ Bidur ◆ Bind ◆ Bindla ◆ Binjhia ◆ Bisati ◆ Bishnupuria ◆ Bissoyi ◆ Boipari ◆ Bondili ◆ Bondo Poroja ◆ Bora Kuthliya ◆ Boya ◆ Brahma Kshatriya ◆ Brahmin ◆ Brahmin, Bengali ◆ Brahmin, Gujarati ◆ Brahmin, Joshi ◆ Brahmin, Kannada ◆ Brahmin, Karhada ◆ Brahmin, Maithili ◆ Brahmin, Purohit ◆ Buna ◆ Burmese ◆ Chadar ◆ Chak ◆ Chakali ◆ Chalvadi ◆ Chamar (Hindu) ◆ Chamar (Muslim) ◆Chandala ◆ Chasadhobi ◆ Chaudhari ◆ Chauhan ◆ Chenchu ◆ Cherua ◆ Chhetri ◆ Chhipa ◆ Daharia ◆ Daityapati ◆ Dal ◆ Damor ◆ Dandasi ◆ Dangi ◆ Darjee ◆ Darzi (Hindu) ◆ Darzi (Muslim) ◆ Daule ◆ Deori ◆ Dera ◆ Devendrakulathan ◆ Dewar ◆ Dhakad ◆ Dhakoda ◆ Dhanuk ◆ Dhanwar ◆ Dharua ◆ Dhimar ◆ Dhobi (Hindu) ◆ Dhobi (Muslim) ◆ Didayi ◆ Dolai ◆ Dom (Hindu) ◆ Dom (Muslim) ◆ Dom (Sikh) ◆ Dora ◆ Dosadh ◆ Drukpa ◆ Dudekula ◆ Dulia ◆ Faqir ◆ Gadaba ◆ Gadaria (Hindu) ◆ Gadaria (Muslim) ◆ Gaddi ◆ Ganda ◆ Ganga Reddi ◆ Gangakula ◆ Gantra ◆ Garasia ◆ Garoda ◆ Gauda ◆ Gawaria ◆ Ghanchi ◆ Gharti ◆ Ghasi ◆ Ghogia ◆ Ghosi ◆ Ghulam ◆ Godari ◆ Godhi ◆ Godra ◆ Golla ◆ Gond ◆ Gond Dhuriya ◆ Gond Dorla ◆ Gond Maria ◆ Gond Muria ◆ Gond Nagawasi ◆ Gond Rajgond ◆ Gosain ◆ Goudu ◆ Gowari ◆ Gowdulu ◆ Gudiya ◆ Gujar ◆ Gujjar ◆ Guria ◆ Gurung ◆ Hadi ◆ Hajam ◆ Hakki Pikki ◆ Halba ◆ Halwai (Hindu) ◆ Halwai (Muslim) ◆ Hazra ◆ Hela ◆ Ho ◆ Holer ◆ Idayan ◆ Irika ◆ Irular ◆ Jad ◆ Jaggali ◆ Jarawa ◆ Jat (HIndu) ◆ Jat (Muslim) ◆ Jat (Sikh) ◆ Jat, Aulak ◆ Jat, Mann ◆ Jat, Rathi ◆ Jatapu ◆ Jaunsari ◆ Jew, South Asian ◆ Jhalo Malo ◆ Jogi ◆ Juang ◆ Julaha ◆ Kachari ◆ Kachhi ◆ Kahar (Hindu) ◆ Kahar (Muslim) ◆ Kaibartta ◆ Kalal ◆ Kalu ◆ Kalwar ◆ Kamar ◆ Kamathi ◆ Kamboh (Hindu) ◆ Kamboh (Muslim) ◆ Kami ◆ Kammara ◆ Kandra ◆ Kanjar ◆ Kaora ◆ Kapali ◆ Kaparia ◆ Kapu ◆ Karan ◆ Karua ◆
Kashmiri ◆ Kathodi ◆ Katia ◆ Kattunayakan ◆ Kawar ◆ Kayastha (Hindu) ◆ Kayastha (Muslim) ◆ Kela ◆ Khairwar ◆ Khandait ◆ Khangar ◆ Kharadi ◆ Kharwar ◆ Khati ◆ Khatik (Hindu) ◆ Khatik (Muslim) ◆ Khatri (Hindu) ◆ Khatri (Sikh) ◆ Khetauri ◆ Kisan ◆ Koch ◆ Kodalo ◆ Koireng ◆ Koiri ◆ Kokna ◆ Kol ◆ Kolah Lohara ◆ Kolha ◆ Koli ◆ Koli Malhar ◆ Kollara ◆ Kolowar ◆ Kolta ◆ Konai ◆ Konda Dhora ◆ Konda Reddi ◆ Kori ◆ Korku ◆ Koshti ◆ Kotia ◆ Koya ◆ Kuchbandia ◆ Kuli ◆ Kumhar ◆ Kummari ◆ Kunbi ◆ Kurmi (Hindu) ◆ Kurmi (Muslim) ◆ Kuruba ◆ Kuruman ◆ Kurunga ◆ Labana ◆ Ladakhi ◆ Laheri ◆ Lama ◆ Liari ◆ Lingayat ◆ Lodha ◆ Lohar (Hindu) ◆ Lohar (Muslim) ◆ Loi ◆ Lunia ◆ Madgi ◆ Madiga (Hindu) ◆ Madiga (Muslim) ◆ Magar ◆ Mahanta ◆ Mahar (Hindu) ◆ Mahar (Muslim) ◆ Mahara ◆ Mahishya ◆ Mahli ◆ Mahratta ◆ Mahratta Kunbi ◆ Mahtam (Sikh) ◆ Majhi ◆ Majhwar ◆ Majjula ◆ Mal ◆ Mala ◆ Mala Dasari ◆ Malai Vedan ◆ Malakkuravan ◆ Malayali ◆ Mali ◆ Mallah (Hindu) ◆ Mallah (Muslim) ◆ Mallik ◆ Mandia ◆ Mangala ◆ Manihar ◆ Maravan ◆ Marija ◆ Matang ◆ Matia ◆ Mazhabi ◆ Megh ◆ Meitei (Hindu) ◆ Metei (Muslim) ◆ Meo ◆ Miana ◆ Mina ◆ Mirasi (Hindu) ◆ Mirasi (Muslim) ◆ Miri ◆ Mochi (Hindu) ◆ Mochi (Muslim) ◆ Moghal ◆ Monpa ◆ Monpa, But ◆ Monpa, Dirang ◆ Monpa, Tawang ◆ Murao ◆ Musahar ◆ Mussali ◆ Mutrasi ◆ Nagar ◆ Nagarchi ◆ Nagarulu ◆ Nai ◆ Naikda ◆ Naiko ◆ Nair ◆ Naliya ◆ Nalkadaya ◆ Namasudra ◆ Namessej ◆ Nat (Hindu) ◆ Nat (Muslim) ◆ Nau Buddh ◆ Newar ◆ Onge ◆ Oriya ◆ Paharia ◆ Paik ◆ Painda ◆ Paliya ◆ Pan ◆ Panchama ◆ Panika ◆ Paniyan ◆ Panka ◆ Panniandi ◆ Pardhan ◆ Pardhi ◆ Parenga ◆ Parhaiya ◆ Paria ◆ Pashtun ◆ Pasi ◆ Patari ◆ Patelia ◆ Patni ◆ Patralu ◆ Patro ◆ Patwa ◆ Pawaria ◆ Pentia ◆ Pinjara ◆ Pod ◆ Ponthai Nocte ◆ Puthirai Vannan ◆ Qassab ◆ Rajbansi (Hindu) ◆ Rajbansi (Muslim) ◆ Rajbhar ◆ Raji ◆ Rajput (Hindu) ◆ Rajput (Muslim) ◆ Rajput (Sikh) ◆ Rajput, Bais ◆ Rajput, Chauhan ◆ Rajput, Garhwali ◆ Rajput, Khaimkani ◆ Rajput, Kumaoni ◆ Rajput, Ponwar ◆ Rajput, Saithwar ◆ Rajput, Thakur ◆ Rajput, Yadav ◆ Raju ◆ Rajwar ◆ Ramdasia (Hindu) ◆ Ramdasia (Muslim) ◆ Rana ◆ Rangrez (Hindu) ◆ Rangrez (Muslim) ◆ Ravidas Chamar ◆ Ravulo ◆ Rawat ◆ Razu ◆ Relli ◆ Rona ◆ Sabar ◆ Sahariya ◆ Saini (HIndu) ◆ Saini (Muslim) ◆ Saini (Sikh) ◆ Sali ◆ Sanauriya ◆ Santal ◆ Sardar (Hindu) ◆ Sadar (Muslim) ◆ Saur ◆ Sayyid ◆ Segidi ◆ Shah ◆ Shaikh ◆ Sherdukpen ◆ Sherpa ◆ Shompen ◆ Silpkar ◆ Sindhi ◆ Siyal ◆ Sonar (Hindu) ◆ Sonar (Muslim) ◆ Sounti ◆ Sunri ◆ Sunuwar ◆ Sutradhar ◆ Taga ◆ Tagin ◆ Tamboli ◆ Tangsa, Hawai ◆ Tanla ◆ Tanti ◆ Tarkhan (Hindu) ◆ Tarkhan (Sikh) ◆ Teli ◆ Thakkar ◆ Thakuri ◆ Thami ◆ Tharu ◆ Tharu, Rana ◆ Tharua ◆ Thori ◆ Tibetan ◆ Tipera ◆ Tiyar ◆ Toto ◆ Turaiha ◆ Turi ◆ Ujia ◆ Vaddar (Hindu) ◆ Vaddar (Muslim) ◆ Vakkaliga ◆ Valmiki ◆ Vanniyan ◆ Varli ◆ Vellalan ◆ Viswakarma ◆ Wattal ◆ Yadav (Hindu) ◆ Yadav (Muslim) ◆ Yenadi ◆ Yerukula ◆ Zangsari
We are overwhelmed with gratitude when we think that the Name of Jesus is being glorified among all the different unreached people groups in India listed on the previous pages. It is amazing to think that each of those names doesn't merely represent a person or a village, but an entire ethnic group (‘nation' in the Bible) that must be reached by the Gospel before the Lord Jesus will return to rule and reign upon the earth!
Of the 500 Indian people groups we are supporting evangelists among, not all needs are equal, just as the boulders in the dream were various shapes and sizes. For example, the Sabar ethnic group numbers just 5,000 people along the India- Bangladesh border, and we currently support 3 evangelists who are trying to reach this unique group with the Gospel. At the other end of the spectrum, 51 million Chamar people live scattered throughout India, and through the Asian Workers' Fund we presently support 74 evangelists who are targeting them. 99 percent of Chamar people are Hindus, with only very small pockets of Christians among them.
Finally, it's good to remain grounded by the sobering realization that a massive task still remains. Please don't believe those who say the Great Commission is practically completed and Christians should relax. It's not true! While we are thankful to be helping over 500 distinct groups hear the Gospel in India, the latest mission research list 2,554 different people groups in India, of which 2,289 have yet to be reached by the Good News of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to learn more about any of the groups listed on the previous pages, we encourage you to go online to:
There you can search the names of any of the groups and read their profiles. Let's pray for God's kingdom to come among all nations! Only after this has happened will there be loud voices in heaven declaring: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever" (Revelation 11:15).
We continue to be in touch with many evangelists who need support to go to unreached peoples. If you would like to help one or more of these precious believers, we invite you to support them through the Asian Workers' Fund. Each donor will receive a laminated prayer card of the evangelist allocated to them, and reports from the field will be sent every six months to those who continue to help.
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest