"One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand" (Exodus 2:11-12).
It could be said that Moses' first problem was that he "looked this way and that" before killing the Egyptian. If only he had looked up, he might have gained God's perspective. It's this way with all sin. We may look around to ensure no one is watching, but we forget that the Lord Jesus Christ knows all and is watching.
At the time, Moses already knew that God had called him to be the deliverer of Israel, and he thought people would recognize his call and honor his leadership. We learn this from Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin thousands of years later, when he said: "Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not" (Acts 7:25).
It's always a disaster when a person tries to help God fulfil His plans in their lives. We see it on many occasions in Scripture. In his own strength, Moses had trouble burying just one Egyptian, and he had to flee into the desert to an area in today's Saudi Arabia, where he hid for decades. Later, when God got involved, the entire Egyptian army was buried in one moment in the depths of the Red Sea!
As we look back on last year in this Annual Report, we are aware that many Christians found 2021 to be a very difficult and unsettling year, with the Covid pandemic and social and political turmoil combining to disrupt and challenge our lives. We know many people who have been sick, lost their jobs, or are increasingly disillusioned by the general breakdown of society. We have friends who have been unable to return to their home countries for almost two years.
Regardless of what position different believers hold on vaccines, it's clear that all around the world governments have seized more power, and history teaches us that once leaders take control in one area, they rarely give it up unless forced to do so.
Many Christians have told us they are weary of the sick world we live in; and they are tired of the state of the professing Church, much of which spews forth a false "gospel of non-repentance" that is powerless to save or deliver.
The Bible speaks of a day to come when an evil ruler will "speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High" (Daniel 7:25). The Lord Jesus warned us, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:12-14).
To all who love the Lord Jesus we say: "Never give up! And if you're feeling weak, rejoice! For He has promised, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Friends, we encourage you to do everything possible to saturate your minds and hearts with God's Word. Read it, study it, and meditate on it. If you don't like reading, then find a way to listen to the Bible. It's not enough to only get your spiritual food on Sunday mornings, or by hearing occasional podcasts by your favorite preacher. Our faith will only survive if we are connected to the true Vine, and relying on the Scriptures for our daily sustenance.
Cover photo: Dozens of new believers coming to be baptized in a river last year, after hearing the Gospel for the first time from a team of evangelists we support through the Asian Workers' Fund. Despite many challenges posed by persecution and Covid lockdowns, at the end of 2021 we were privileged to support more than 1,500 evangelists throughout Asia, reaching over 1,200 people groups.
From the start of Asia Harvest 34 years ago, the China Bible Fund has been one of our foundational projects. In 2021 it continued to provide God's Word to a record number of house church believers throughout China.
For many years we have been able to keep the print price per Bible at US$1.80, as our colleagues inside China did everything possible to get the best value for money and lower costs to a bare minimum. Other expenses, such as transportation, we have always covered from non-designated funds and other sources. Subsequently, we have always been able to accurately say that if someone gives $1.80 for a Chinese Bible, we have placed a full Bible into the hands of a believer.
As you will know from your own part of the world, inflation is currently surging, and this is true in China more than most other countries. In the past year, inflation and disruptions to supply chains have caused the cost of paper to skyrocket by more than a third.
As a result, we are sorry to say that we can no longer peg down our $1.80 Bible price that we have used for the last 14 years. Instead, we have been forced to increase our base price per Chinese Bible to $3.00. That is the printing cost for each Bible. Our commitment remains the same as from day one—we ensure that every dollar given to Bibles goes for Bibles. That means no administration or any other deduction.
We don't want to continually adjust our price each time inflation and exchange rates go up or down, so we are setting this base price and plan to stick to it for an extended period. We will continue to cover all extra costs, such as transportation, from other sources.
Therefore, until further notice we guarantee that for every $3 given to our China Bible project, we will provide one Chinese Bible to the house churches in China, as long as God continues to hold the door open for us to serve Him in this way.
For the record, the Bibles we provide are excellent quality, with strong covers and binding. We only print full Chinese Bibles, and not just New Testaments. We hope you will agree that $3 to help transform lives with God's living Word remains a wonderful investment opportunity in the kingdom of God. Anecdotal evidence over the years indicates that churches often double in size in China within a year after receiving a shipment of Bibles from our co-workers.
Please pray for the China Bible Fund and everyone involved with it. We may be one of the last organizations still able to supply large quantities of God's Word to China's house churches, our position has always been that as long as the Lord holds the door open, we will do all we can to provide the bread of life to His children.
In the remainder of this newsletter we present our Annual Report, detailing the help Asia Harvest provided to the Body of Christ throughout Asia in 2021.
It has been a privilege to serve the Lord for another year, and we feel greatly blessed to be a link in the chain that resulted in many people coming to know Him. Last year, more than 2.5 million Christian families were strengthened by receiving God's Word through our Bible projects, while the more than 1,500 Asian evangelists we support led a total of 112,539 people to Christ among 1,203 different tribes and ethnic groups.
For over 30 years, our strategy has been to operate with as few overhead expenses as possible, so that the maximum resources will reach the hands of frontline workers—the Asian Christians we are honored to assist and serve. We thank each person who prayed for and supported our work last year. Without your vital partnership none of these things would have occurred
From the time of Asia Harvest's inception in the 1980s, we have desired to be transparent in the area of finances. Our annual financial statements are independently audited each year, and are available for anyone to view on our website.
We thank God that last year we were able to send out substantially more project money than we received. Our operating costs are minimal, and are fully covered by non-project donations, and from income generated by book sales. This means that 100% of all project donations are used on the field in Asia exactly as specified.
To read our latest audited financial statements, please visit the "Resources" link at our website .
There remains a critical shortage of Bibles in China today because of the massive growth of the house churches. Tens of millions of Christians are still unable to access God's Word. Our Bibles are distributed free of charge to all parts of China, establishing new believers in the faith, and adding fuel to the revival fires that continue to burn throughout the world's most populated country. Each full Bible costs just $3.00 to print.
By God's grace and power, since 2000 we have printed and distributed more than 16.3 million Bibles to house church believers in China, with a record 2,371,690 in 2021 alone . This equates to 6,498 Bibles every day, 271 per hour, or one full Bible every 13 seconds throughout the year. Each one is a miracle in today's tense atmosphere for the Church in China. Thank you for praying and giving.
Cumulative Graph showing the total number of Chinese Bibles printed by Asia Harvest: 16,301,871
Because of your prayers and partnership, we ended 2021 supporting 1,571 Asian missionaries, serving among 1,203 unreached people groups. A reported 112,539 people experienced God's salvation last year.
The Asian Workers' Fund supports Asian evangelists who are working among people groups that have never heard the gospel. These workers encounter much hardship, but have persevered and are seeing breakthroughs among many groups.
In 2021, those we support through the project led 112,539 people to salvation in Jesus Christ (an average of 72 per worker). A total of 659,496 conversions have been reported since this project commenced. Hallelujah! This is remarkable considering most of the workers serve in the darkest and most unreached areas of Asia, including among numerous Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist peoples.
The Asian Workers' Fund is constantly expanding and new workers are being recruited. We invite you to support one or more Asian missionaries with a gift of $25 per month each . A laminated prayer card is sent to every supporter of the project.
Current Total: 1,400,644 Bibles printed in 146 different languages.Each Bible costs an average of $2.70 to print and deliver.
Asia is home to many groups where people have been prevented from accessing God's Word, sometimes for decades. Whereas our China Bible Fund is separate and focuses only on China, the Asian Bible Fund provides the Scriptures in numerous languages throughout Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and elsewhere.
In 2021 we printed and distributed 168,283 Bibles in 41 languages. For many people groups it was the first time in history they had Scripture in their language. Often, the Bibles were the answer to years of prayer by desperate Christians, who were hungry for God's Word but unable to access it. All glory to the Lamb of God!
Please pray for this project and for all who are involved. In 2021 we printed Bibles through the Asian Bible Fund in the following languages:
Ahirani, Bareli Rathwa, Bengali, Bhattiyali, Bodo Parja, Chuhari, Dangi, Desiya, Dhankavi, Dhundari, Didayi, Gamit (Gujarati script), Gamit (Hindi script), Garasia Adiwasi, Garasia Adiwasi (Hindi script), Gharwali, Gowli, Holiya, Indonesian, Juray Saora, Kharam, Konda Dhora, Koli Waduyari, Koya, Kuvi, Ladakhi, Lodha, Lodhi, Malay, Mewari, Munda, Nahali, Paliyan, Pengo, Shekhawati, Sirmauri, Soriyali, Telugu, Tinani, Vahadi-Nagpuri, Vietnamese
We hoped the pandemic would have died down by the end of last year, but new variations brought more lockdowns and untold misery to the people of Asia. Thanks to your generous support, we provided food and basic necessities to more than 100,000 impoverished people last year in 14 diferent Asian countries. The churches we partner with gained such a shining reputation because of the loving help they provided. Many thousands of people have been added to the kingdom of God, after seeing the truth and light of Jesus demonstrated through the selfless acts of God's children.
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest