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The 'Operation' Series

A Message & Prayer Request from Paul Hattaway

It has always saddened me that many church-goers around the world seem to lead directionless lives, when there are so many opportunities to be involved in God’s glorious, expanding kingdom. 

Many Christians have not even had their eyes opened to one of the great themes that weaves its way throughout the entire Bible: 

The theme of God’s plan to redeem souls from every ethnic group (a concept that has been translated “nation” in most English Bibles). 

Click here to get Operation China

Much of Scripture does not make sense unless we understand that God is working to fulfill His purposes among all the people groups of the world.

Indeed, the above Scripture speaks of “the register of the peoples” in heaven. I have always been encouraged by the fact that any work that reveals people groups to the Body of Christ here on earth is but a pale reflection of God’s full list!

God’s plan of redemption for all peoples runs through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It started with His promise to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). 

His wonderful plan culminates with the Lamb of God receiving His reward in heaven: 

“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God people from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth” (Revelation 5:7-9).

Those who have followed the work of Asia Harvest over the years will know that in the 1990s, as the ministry grew and branched out into the various projects we continue to implement today, I was privileged to write a series of books, including Operation China and Peoples of the Buddhist World, which profiled hundreds of new ethnic groups in Asia.

For centuries, girls from several Chin tribes in western Myanmar had their faces tattooed at puberty in a bid to make them appear “ugly” so they would not be carried off by men from other tribes. Face tattoos were outlawed in the 1960s, so this dear lady is one of the last living examples from that bygone era.

From the start, I was determined to portray these tribes and people groups in all their God-given splendor. 

They are His creation, with unique customs and languages designed to glorify God. 

I thought there could be nothing more ludicrous than to present such fascinating and vibrant people groups in a drab, colorless format. 

That would be like writing a book on the beauty of butterflies or the world’s most exotic birds, and illustrating it in black and white!

Click here to get

Peoples of the Buddhist World.

Although the paper book versions of Operation China and Peoples of the Buddhist World have been out of print for years, the full-color PDF files, complete with photos and maps, can be downloaded from our website bookstore and saved to your computer for lifelong use.

There is a saying “a picture paints a thousand words,” so I have always insisted that these people group books be attractive, full-color productions that would not only provide information, but would instill in readers a heart for Asia’s unreached peoples and motivate them to pray for their salvation.

As an example of how a good picture can tell a story, please allow us to share some background information of the photos used in this letter by reading the descriptions we provided for you.

Operation Myanmar

There is a tendency in the world today to think that all knowledge has already been revealed and there is nothing new to be discovered. '

People who think like that have obviously never been off the beaten track in Asia!

The first part of our new “Operation” series is Operation Myanmar (Burma). The research has already been completed, and in the coming months we will be releasing individual prayer profiles of people groups in this deeply troubled, war-torn country. 

It is a perfect time to pray for Myanmar, for it is a failed state that is falling apart. Multiple civil wars are raging across the country, and millions of precious people are experiencing horrific suffering as a result.

Our plan is to release three one-page profiles of groups in Myanmar every week until we have covered the entire country. 

This will take a while, as we expect to profile over 230 distinct groups in Myanmar. 

Approximately 100 of these will be groups that the world has never heard of. It also will be the first time the Body of Christ has heard of their existence, including believers in Myanmar, where no proper census of ethnic groups has been conducted since the British colonial period in 1931!

Each profile will be presented in full color and will be accompanied by a quality photo of the group, and a map showing where that group lives. 

Each profile will be in a simple format to help people pray for God’s salvation and purposes to be accomplished among them. 

Please Note

• These profiles are completely free but will only be available on our website You can sign up for notifications to be delivered to your email inbox whenever we post a new prayer profile. These will not be available in paper form, for it is impractical for us to send out three paper copies per week to people around the world.

•  You can subscribe to receive these prayer profiles by filling out the subscription form on our website, or by letting us know your email address so we can add it to our list. If you are already subscribed to our email newsletters you will automatically receive these “Operation” profiles. If you would rather not receive them, you can click “unsubscribe” at any time.

• As we near the end of the Myanmar series, we plan to make available the complete Operation Myanmar book in paper or e-book form, which will contain all the profiles. Please don’t ask about these for a while though, as it will take at least 18 months before they are ready.

Meanwhile, we will send the individual profiles to people as they become available. 

ABOVE PHOTO: Millions of young Burmese boys like this teenager are sent to serve as novice monks in Buddhist monasteries.
(Our thanks to the photographer David Lazar, who granted permission for us to share these images.)

Future Series

God willing, we hope Operation Myanmar will be just the first in a series of new profiles and books. Other possible books in the series include:

* A five-part Operation India series, dividing that extraordinarily diverse unreached country into five regions (North India, Central India, etc.). We hope to begin sharing the India profiles soon after the completion of the Myanmar series.

• Operation Laos

• Operation Vietnam

• Operation Nepal

• and possibly Operation Bhutan, Thailand, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

It would be a great benefit if you or your fellowship group would consider taking time each week to pray for the peoples of Asia.

We believe that doing so will not only bless the work of the Kingdom of God in Asia, but it will also build your faith as you take your mind off local issues and life’s problems and invest time praying for the nations of Asia.

Finally, for the many people who are enjoying The China Chronicles, please don’t worry! By God’s grace the series will continue until it is completed, and a record of the wonderful things God has done in all of China’s provinces has been told.

Work is already well underway on the next few books in the series. We are excited about The China Chronicles and encouraged by all the positive feedback we receive from you each time a new book is released.

PHOTO BELOW: Old meets new in Myanmar: For centuries the Naga tribes in Myanmar were feared as head-hunters. One man, wearing a traditional hat adorned with black bear fur and wild boar tusks, is holding a dao (which were formerly used for decapitating people) while checking the time on his modern watch. 

The 'Operation' Series

One of the greatest blessings of my life has been to see how dozens of previously unreached people groups have heard the Gospel from various ministries and now have thriving churches in their midst.

Although our research was only a small part in the process, I think that bringing them to the attention of the Body of Christ was a key link in the chain of events that resulted in many of those groups coming to the Lord Jesus Christ.

After researching and writing many hundreds of profiles of Asia’s unreached people groups, years ago I sensed it was time to put that side of my call aside for a while and focus on helping the Asian Church reach those groups with the Gospel.

That is how many of the projects Asia Harvest has undertaken came about. Every ministry decision we make first considers the strategic importance of how Bibles, evangelists, children’s work, relief, etc. will impact unreached peoples for the Lord.

A Chinese house church leader once honored me with the Chinese name  扬天民 (Yang Tian Min), which means “Advocate of Heavenly Peoples.” I feel it’s time for me to take up that mantle again and refocus my efforts on this part of my calling.

Even though I have never stopped researching and working daily toward the goal of seeing all of Asia’s peoples glorify the Lord Jesus, in recent years I have focused on writing different kinds of books and sharing testimonies about what God is doing in China and other parts of Asia.

I am thankful that God has used these books to encourage the faith of many believers around the world.

Now, as the years go by and I am beginning to operate at a slower pace, I believe the Spirit of God is prompting me to again take up the challenge of writing a few thousand new profiles of people groups in Asia!

We are calling this project the “Operation” series, as it is a continuation of the books that began with the publication of Operation China in the year 2000.

PHOTO BELOW: Most of Myanmar's 233 ethnic groups are located in poor, rural communities that have changed little in many generations. This photo of people from the Intha tribe in Shan State shows life there is little different than
from a century ago.

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By Asia Harvest February 28, 2025
Poverty, war, and corruption have left many Burmese combating threats from crime syndicates, leaving them in vulnerable conditions as they struggle to secure food for their families.
By Asia Harvest January 17, 2025
The Golden Triangle area, where the countries of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar meet, is notorious for being one of the main drug-producing hubs in the world.  The same waterways are now being used to transport God’s Word, helping to meet the great demand for Bibles for the thousands of families who are being radically transformed by the Spirit of God.
By Asia Harvest November 28, 2024
In these end times we see many headwinds blowing against the progress of the Gospel in many parts of Asia, bit in the war-torn country of Myanmar (Burma) a different kind of wind is blowing — the breath of the Holy Spirit continues to fan the flames of a tremendous revival that is touching parts of society in Myanmar that have never been touched by the Name of Jesus before. As multiple civil wars are raging across the country, and millions of precious people are experiencing horrific suffering and near starvation as a result, we would like to share this short video with you, which gives a summary of how the Living God is turning ashes to beauty and death to life in the slums of one of Myanmar’s largest cities. This year, various Asia Harvest projects has been utilized as we have invested heavily in the kingdom of God in Myanmar. Because of your prayers and generous support, our Asia Bible Fund, Asian Workers’ Fund , Ministry Training Fund , Children’s Fund and Persecution & Relief Fund have all been used to help fuel the revival as it transforms many thousands of lives. Please consider sharing the video with others to help shed light on what is happening in Myanmar.

"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest

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