Dear Friends,
We would like to let you know about some of the helpful (free) resources we have on our website, which we hope will encourage the faith of thousands of believers around the world.
First, we have an Interactive China Map, which leads to hundreds of articles, inspirational testimonies, maps, profiles, and useful resources relating to the Church in China and the greatest revival in the history of Christianity. Please click on the below map to access this great resource. As an example of what is available, here is the link to our page for Guizhou Province. We hope you will bookmark our China Interactive Map and explore it many more times in the future.
Second, you are probably aware of the various books we have for sale, but did you know we also have many free books that you are welcome to download? Books are currently available in English, Chinese, and Dutch, including the first four Chinese translations of The China Chronicles, which you can share with your Chinese friends. Please feel free to read them on your device, or download them to share with anyone you think would benefit from reading them. Click on the picture below to be taken to our free books page.
The final resource we would like to share with you today is a treasure trove for intercessors and those who long for the salvation of every “tribe, language, people and nation.” Our
People Group Profiles link contains links to countries, from where you can access profiles and pray for more than 1,500 of Asia’s unreached people groups.
May the Lord Jesus be exalted over all of Asia!
The team at Asia Harvest
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest