Financial Statements

Financial Statements

Asia Harvest is an accredited member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), upholding the standards and principles of Christian integrity while demonstrating compliance with established financial standards.

From the time of Asia Harvest's inception in the 1980s, we have strived to be completely transparent in the area of finances, and our annual financial statements have always been available to anyone who requests them.

Now we have taken the extra step of having our finances independently audited each year, which are available on our website. We have engaged a respected auditing firm, and their most recent audit report can be downloaded here.

Please note that from the start the desire of Asia Harvest has been to send as many resources as possible to the front-line Gospel workers in Asia. As a result, we maintain no physical office, have few assets except our bank balance, and most of our work is done by unpaid volunteers. Our overhead expenses are therefore minimal, enabling us to achieve more with the resources God has placed in our hands, such as printing Bibles in over 160 different Asian languages for just $3.00 each.

We are in no way implying other Christian ministries should operate as we do. The Body of Christ has many different groups called by God to perform a myriad of important roles. Asia Harvest operates this way simply because we believe the Lord Jesus Christ called us to function this way.

On page 15 of the pdf file (p. 13 of the audit report) you will see a table listing the total amount of donations we received for each project last year (Revenue), and the total amount we sent out to reach people on the mission field in Asia (Expenses). We thank God that last year we were able to send out substantially MORE project money than we received!

Here is a summary of our income received and support sent to each project in 2022:

Project Donations Received Sent to the Field Result
Asia Bible Fund $2,248,208 $2,035,279 90.5% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023
Asian Workers' Fund $832,648 $937,608 112.6% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023
Living Martyrs' Fund $257,368 $258,764 100.5% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023
Ministry Training Fund $62,172 $363,146 584.1% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023
The Children’s Fund $122,566 $127,345 103.9% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023
Persecution & Relief $262,086 $386,017 147.3% of all donations to this project were sent to the field in 2023

TOTALS                     $3,785,048        $4,108,159     108% of all donations were sent to the field 2023

How Is This Possible?

Although our operating costs are negligible, we do of course have some expenses. These are covered by general (non-project) donations people send us for running the ministry, and also from income generated by things such as book sales.

Our commitment each year is that 100% of all project donations will be used exactly as specified. Nothing is deducted for administration, bank fees, or any other expense. As a result, if someone sends us $100 for Bibles or to support evangelists, $100 really does go to the workers on the field. Because of our extremely low overhead expenses we are also able to apply general (non-project) donations to help the projects. This is how we are able to end the year having sent more funds to the field than we received for those projects.

Read our audited financial statement for:

Financial Accountability and Due Diligence.

It is with the strongest conviction for financial integrity that Asia Harvest operates. We believe that our responsibility does not end with our legal reporting obligations as a non profit, but have invited many extra layers of scrutiny to demonstrate our accountability before the Lord. Processes that go well beyond our regularity with 990 forms, and many other filings required for state and federal non-profit governmental compliance.

This means that although it is not compulsory for us to acquire the services of an independent company to audit us every year, nor the need for us to be a member of the ECFA, we do so out of a desire to be beyond reproach. And taking this a step further, we have done something that is rarely seen of non-profit organizations– we make our financial audits public: These independent audits can be further verified by contacting our auditor directly for more questions.

Being a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability) also goes beyond ECFA's examination of our ministry activities that ensure that we meet their stringent rules, but we also have a close working relationship with ECFA advisors, and are current in adopting recommended polices they suggest.

Our financial accountability policies extend from the income to the outflow of field projects we support. Our field partners are required to provide us with reports that include proper receipting, photo verification, and regular in-person visits. Our newsletter archive details the countless ways we provide ongoing support for our implemented projects:

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