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Communism vs Christ - 15 Million Bibles in the Dragon's Den

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Quote:"It would be a great mistake to regard Communism merely as a political system. Communism is not only a religion, but it is also a dynamic missionary movement aspiring to the conquest of the whole world ....

Communism attempts to provide a substitute not only for Christian doctrine and experience but also for many of the methods and activities used in the church. Indeed, Communists have often adapted Christian methods and have proved themselves to be more thorough and efficient in using them than the Christians from whom they were borrowed." - David Adeney, Missionary to China and Author.

In our last newsletter we examined the roots of the Communist Party in China, and how it was established on a foundation of atheism and evolutionism. The result of that demonic belief system has been a century of death and destruction for countless millions of people; yet the Living God has mocked His enemies by sending the greatest revival in the history of Christianity, with over 100 million people in China now identifying themselves as followers of Jesus Christ.

In the 1940s, when it was clear that the Communists were surging to power across China, some spiritually dull missionaries and Chinese pastors told believers not to worry, for the Communists were good for the country and would usher in a new era of religious freedom!

Andrew Gih.

Many other leaders of the Body of Christ, however, did all they could to strengthen God's children for the long struggle ahead. One insightful man of God was Andrew Gih, who warned Christians of the horrors of Communism in his book "The Church Behind the Bamboo Curtain". Gih explained how Communism can only exist by brute force and by instilling fear, and he contrasted the stark differences between Communism and Christianity

With a form of Communism rising in many Western nations today, Christians would do well to take heed of Andrew Gih's warnings. He wrote the following observations and comparison between Communism and Christianity:


"Since they have to maintain large standing armies, concentration camps are a necessity-politically to silence the opposition by taking people away after midnight, sending them to concentration camps, so their families do not hear from them. They arrest so many that they instill fear into the minds of the people, so there is no opposition or rebellion.



Communist countries are not for commerce or trade. Their aim is always political. ... Communism is against human nature. It cannot stay in power except by brute force. So, in Communist countries the people not only have no freedom, but they constantly live in fear."


Communism vs Christianity - A Comparison

Communism is materialistic

Christianity is spiritual

Communism is godless

Christianity is God-centered

Communism is God-hating

Christianity is God-loving

Communism is God-defying and blasphemous

Christianity is God-honoring

Communism divides people into classes

Christianity unites people in Christ

Communism pulls down the higher classes

Christianity lifts up the lower classes

Communism spreads hatred and strife

Christianity spreads love and peace

Communism aims for a classless society

Christianity says, 'Thy kingdom come'

Communism sheds blood for revolution

Christ shed His Blood for salvation

The Blindness of Atheism

One of the key things to remember when we see the state of the world today is that God has promised to help people along the path they have chosen. For those who seek to glorify Jesus, the Lord blesses them with inner peace and joy, and opens doors for them to serve Him. However, for those who "did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, God gave them over to a depraved mind. so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice" (Romans 1:28-29).

For years now we have warned about what is going on in China. When we first sounded the alarm in 2016, some people thought we were making things up, and that the outlook for China remained rosy. One missionary mocked us, saying things looked just fine from his apartment high above the city on the 30th floor. He is no longer in China today, having been one of tens of thousands of foreign Christians kicked out by Xi Jinping's anti-Christian purge.

When Xi ramped up persecution against Christians in 2016 and 2017, China's economy immediately took a sharp nosedive. Being steadfast atheists, however, the Communist leaders saw no correlation between their actions and their economic woes, or that God's hand of blessing may have started to withdraw from the nation.

The economy continues to be extremely fragile, and the government is even struggling to feed its own people. China may appear bright and shiny to visitors, but most of the impressive infrastructure has been built on trillions of dollars of debt. We believe the Chinese economy is a house of cards waiting to fold when God decides to blow against it.

Blind to all spiritual truth, instead of pulling back, the Communist Party has plunged ahead, seeking to destroy the Church with even more drastic measures. Life has become increasingly difficult for hundreds of millions of people in China, with the sanctions imposed by President Trump causing a much greater impact than most observers think. Almost overnight, tens of millions of workers lost their jobs in China, as countless companies moved their operations out of the country. While the government still claims strong economic growth through their make-believe statistics each year, on the streets of China life is grim for multitudes of unemployed people.

Last year (2020) saw a succession of further blows to China, as God continued to shake them for their harsh treatment of His beloved children. A series of remarkable disasters fell on China, with record floods, earthquakes, diseases on people, crops and animals, and even a plague of locusts afflicting the nation.

This has continued into 2021. For example, on July 20, thousands of people drowned in the city of Zhengzhou after the heaviest rainfall in 1,000 years of recorded history! In most parts of the world, an inch of rain in one hour brings flash flooding. Two inches of rain is extreme. In the city of Zhengzhou, eight inches of rain fell in one hour!

The Communist Party, not wanting to look bad in the eyes of the people they rule with an iron fist, finally admitted that just 302 people had died in the floods, but Christians on the ground say that casualties numbered in the many thousands. Although it was not reported on the news, the Beijing-Guangzhou expressway tunnel was completely submerged, with more than 6,000 vehicles and their occupants trapped under many feet of surging water.

With seared consciences and minds that mock and disdain God, the Communist rulers of China again appear to see no connection between all the troubles befalling China and their efforts to destroy Jesus' precious inheritance, which He purchased with His own Blood. Instead, they continue to relentlessly march on toward war, alienating almost every country in Asia with their bullying tactics and lust for world domination.

 Fifteen Million Miracles in China

Despite many troubles and challenges, our work continues to progress in China. As we have stated previously, as long as the Lord continues to hold the door open, we will continue to print as many Bibles as possible and to equip the house church believers while there is still light, for "night is coming, when no man can work" (John 9:4). By God's grace and power, we recently passed the all-time milestone of 15 million full Bibles printed and delivered to the Chinese house churches, which has added fuel to the revival fires blazing across that great land. Each Bible has been a miracle, and although now is not the time to share details, many people have suffered greatly for this project to advance.

We appreciate your prayers and partnership in the Gospel, and we realize that without your support, no Bibles would have been printed nor workers helped. Lets continue to press forward while we have the opportunity!

China Bible Map

Thanks to the grace of God and your prayers and generous support, a few months ago Asia Harvest passed the milestone of 15 million Chinese Bibles printed and delivered to house churches in China. We receive detailed reports, allowing us to keep track of the Bibles we print and to create this distribution map. On behalf of all the grateful believers in China, thank you and God bless you!

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