1900 - Yang Tai

1900 - Yang Tai

July 1900

Qian’an, Hebei

Yang Tai was a simple farmer who loved two things above all—the Lord Jesus Christ and his family. When he first heard the gospel, Yang was deeply convicted of sin and placed his trust in God. His family, however, were bitterly opposed to his new-found faith and did all they could to get him to reverse his decision. Yang was heart-broken. He knew God’s truth had been revealed to his heart, so he could never turn back. But he also deeply loved his family, and many tears were shed as he struggled with the anger and hostility expressed by his loved ones.

Yang’s parents ordered him not to attend church services anymore, but he knew it was more necessary to obey God, so he sneaked away from his bedroom at night to secretly meet with other Christians who were fervently praying for God to intervene and turn the hearts of Yang’s family. There was nothing else Yang Tai could do except pray, and eventually his entire family was saved.

News that the Boxers were approaching Qian’an reached the townspeople, and everyone braced themselves for the onslaught. Instead of hiding from them, Yang Tai decided to go out and meet them on their way into the town. He spoke to the Boxer leaders, explaining, “It was through my influence that my family became connected with the church, now I beg of you that they all may be saved and I will lay down my life with pleasure.”[1] Not wholly satisfied with his offer, the Boxers first extorted a large sum of money from the family before they were satisfied to let them live. Yang Tai was barbarously cut into pieces. Despite his heartless murder, he died a happy man content in the knowledge that his beloved family would be spared.

© This article is an extract from Paul Hattaway's epic 656-page China’s Book of Martyrs, which profiles more than 1,000 Christian martyrs in China since AD 845, accompanied by over 500 photos. You can order this or many other China books and e-books here.

1. Headland, Chinese Heroes, 177.

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