1900 - Mary Fu Guilin

1900 - Mary Fu Guilin

June 21, 1900

Xian Xian, Hebei

Mary Fu Guilin. [CRBC]

Mary Fu Guilin hailed from Luopo village in Shen Xian, Hebei Province. She was born into a devout Catholic family, and at an early age she chose to remain a virgin for life, so as to wholeheartedly serve the Lord. Having attended Mercy School in Xian Xian, she stayed on after graduation to help with the work of the mission. God granted her great success, and she was able to establish a congregation at Liu Village.

On June 21, 1900, the Boxers captured Mary while she was visiting the home of a widow. As they dragged her out of the village, Mary told them, “I have longed to be a martyr. Thank God! The time has now come.”[1] Realizing that her time on this earth would soon come to an end, she cried out, “Jesus, save me!” The Boxers had heard enough and decided to behead her without further delay. They shot her, then

“took her head and hung it on the door post of a nearby inn. She was then 37-years-old. Two years later her brother came to take her body away. He found it intact, with no sign of decay. All of the villagers considered this a miracle and said it was the glorification God had especially prepared for her.”[2]

© This article is an extract from Paul Hattaway's epic 656-page China’s Book of Martyrs, which profiles more than 1,000 Christian martyrs in China since AD 845, accompanied by over 500 photos. You can order this or many other China books and e-books here.

1. “The Martyrs of China 1648-1930,” Tripod, 58.
2. CRBC, The Newly Canonized Martyr-Saints of China, 63.

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