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Bringing Joy to the Heart of God

The Scriptures talk about a number of things that break God’s heart and that stir Him to action. For example, the Bible frequently highlights the needs of the poor and oppressed. James declared, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world“ (James 1:27).

Because of a lack of space, many of the activities of Asia Harvest do not get reported in our newsletters. In our ministry, providing relief for widows and orphans ranks as a high priority, because we see it is a high priority to our Heavenly Father.

Asia Harvest supports numerous initiatives that help persecuted Christians and widows and orphans in need throughout Asia through our Persecution & Relief fund and other projects.

We would like to share some of the testimonies we recently received from people being helped by your loving support.

An Indian Brother in Distress
An urgent message arrived from one of the ministry leaders we support in the great country of India. A 29-year-old engaged evangelist named Arun, who shares the Gospel in the slums of a large city, had fallen seriously ill. He was paralyzed and unable to speak or walk. A doctor diagnosed that he immediately required two replacement heart valves, and that he had suffered two strokes as a result of the lack of medical care in his area.

We joined hands with another ministry, and we each covered half the cost of these urgent operations. The funds we sent came from gifts received for the Persecution & Relief Fund. By the time you read this newsletter, Arun will have undergone surgery. Please pray for this young man’s healing and for his fiancé, that their lives may continue to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

UPDATE: Please pray. Arun had the surgery but was re-admitted to the emergency ward after returning home for a few days. His heart-rate was 180. Doctors are continuing to treat him. Please lift this brother up before the throne of grace in his time of need.

Vietnam Widows in Great Need
The day after we sent assistance for Arun, a batch of applications for the Living Martyrs’ Fund arrived from our co-workers in Vietnam. These letters always touch our hearts. We would like to share just two that we received from elderly widows. We committed to start supporting 20 of these faithful widows immediately, with the loving assistance of concerned believers around the world.

Sister Lily wrote, “I am now 70-years-old. My husband was martyred for Christ while preaching the Gospel many years ago. Since that time I have been alone and at times I feel totally overwhelmed by the needs and difficulties I face. I am greatly encouraged that fellow believers are considering helping my needs in the twilight of my life. This causes me to constantly praise His Name! My greatest joy is to commune with God and to pray for those around the village.”

Another elderly sister, Madeline, wrote, “I am now 85-years of age. My health is deteriorating and I suffer insomnia along with cardio vascular difficulties, partial blindness and worsening memory loss. I will deeply appreciate the funds you send as it will enable me to buy medication and daily food. I miss my husband deeply, and wonder how I could survive if the Lord does not provide my daily needs. Thank you and God bless you!”

Blankets for India
The past winter saw record low temperatures and snowfall across northern India, where we support hundreds of evangelists through the 
Asian Workers’ Fund. Thousands of people reportedly froze to death in areas not accustomed to such harsh conditions. An urgent request came in, asking us to help provide blankets and relief to 400 vulnerable Christian families and widows. We had the privilege of assisting, and subsequently received dozens of letters of appreciation. Here are a few of them:

“My husband died of cancer a year ago and I have been a widow since. It has been difficult to survive and I do not receive any government assistance. During the brutal winter I sheltered from the cold by covering myself with old rice sacks at night. The sacks were so dirty that they caused me to itch all day. Then I received a lovely warm blanket from you, and my heart was filled with gratitude. I will never forget your grace and love and the difference you have made in my life.” - Hiramani

“I live in a straw hut that is not covered properly as we were unable to make enough straw this past harvest season. Every night the dew fell through the gaps in our roof, and our family suffered great misery due to the bitter cold. Then you made us warm by providing a nice blanket, and you have covered us with your love. Thank you so much for your generous gift.” - Jhitri

“I have no income or government assistance, but with four little grandchildren to take care of, my burdens are very heavy. When the cold weather arrived I couldn’t bear to see the little ones suffer so I have them all my warm clothes. After that I had a very pathetic time in the cold. Even sitting near the fire seemed to make no difference. Then your blanket arrived. It made me so happy. Thank you!” - Premsila

“I am a widow who lost my husband last year. This winter was terribly cold, and I did my best to gather sticks to put on the fire at night. I was much more concerned about keeping the fire alive than eating food. I didn’t know if I would survive, and I fluctuated between life and death due to the miserable conditions. Then when I received a lovely warm blanket from you my tears rolled down my cheeks. Thank you so much for your love.” - Suabati

We want to thank the many people who have prayed and given to our projects. We hope these letters are an encouragement to you. We feel so blessed that God has connected us with Christians who have a desire to make a difference in people’s lives.

It always amazes us how many lives can be impacted by so little investment. The 400 blankets we provided in India cost a total of $1,300 — just $3.25 each!

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By Asia Harvest January 17, 2025
The Golden Triangle area, where the countries of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar meet, is notorious for being one of the main drug-producing hubs in the world.  The same waterways are now being used to transport God’s Word, helping to meet the great demand for Bibles for the thousands of families who are being radically transformed by the Spirit of God.
By Asia Harvest November 28, 2024
In these end times we see many headwinds blowing against the progress of the Gospel in many parts of Asia, bit in the war-torn country of Myanmar (Burma) a different kind of wind is blowing — the breath of the Holy Spirit continues to fan the flames of a tremendous revival that is touching parts of society in Myanmar that have never been touched by the Name of Jesus before. As multiple civil wars are raging across the country, and millions of precious people are experiencing horrific suffering and near starvation as a result, we would like to share this short video with you, which gives a summary of how the Living God is turning ashes to beauty and death to life in the slums of one of Myanmar’s largest cities. This year, various Asia Harvest projects has been utilized as we have invested heavily in the kingdom of God in Myanmar. Because of your prayers and generous support, our Asia Bible Fund, Asian Workers’ Fund , Ministry Training Fund , Children’s Fund and Persecution & Relief Fund have all been used to help fuel the revival as it transforms many thousands of lives. Please consider sharing the video with others to help shed light on what is happening in Myanmar.
By Asia Harvest November 19, 2024
The Asia Bible Fund provides Bibles to all Asian believers who hunger and thirst for God’s Word. In this photo from about 20 years ago, two teenage soldiers with the Karen Liberation Army are glad to receive Kachin Bibles before being deployed to the frontlines in their battle against the Burmese military.

"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest

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