Dear Christian friends,
As another year draws to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support. Although the year has not yet concluded, in 2016 we thank the Lord Jesus Christ for enabling us to print and distribute more than 700,000 Bibles to Christians in China and other restricted countries; and we are thankful that we are currently supporting over 1,650 Asian missionaries serving among 755 different people groups.
Many believers we know are under great pressure as the world grows darker by the day. We pray you and your loved ones will not draw back, but will press into Jesus more intimately than ever before as you walk with Him. May 2017 be your best year so far for the kingdom of God!
From the time of Asia Harvest's inception in the 1980s, we have always strived to be completely transparent in the area of finances, and our annual financial statements have been available to anyone upon request.
Now, we have taken the extra step of having our finances independently audited each year, which will be freely available on our website. We have engaged a respected auditing firm, and their most recent report can be downloaded here.
Many donors rightly want to know what percentage of their gifts go to the field, and how much is used on administration. You may be surprised at how we operate at Asia Harvest.
From the start of Asia Harvest our desire has been to send as many resources as possible to the frontline Gospel workers in Asia. As a result, we maintain no physical office, have few assets except our bank balance, and most of our work is done by unpaid volunteers. Our overhead expenses are therefore minimal, enabling us to achieve more with the resources God has placed in our hands, such as printing full Chinese Bibles for just $1.80.
On the final page (p.12) of the audit report you will see a table listing the total amount of donations we received for each project last year (Revenue), and the total amount we sent out to reach people on the mission field in Asia (Expenses). We thank God that last year we were able to send out substantially more project money than we received!
How is this Possible?
Although our operating costs are negligible, we do of course have some expenses. These are covered by general (non-project) donations people send us for running the ministry, and also from income generated by things such as book sales.Our ongoing commitment is that 100% of all project donations will be used exactly as specified. Nothing is deducted for administration, bank fees, or any other expense. As a result, if someone sends us $100 for Bibles or to support evangelists, $100 really does go to the workers on the field.
Until All Have Heard of Jesus,
The team at Asia Harvest
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest