Dear Friends, We hope your year has started well. We appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support last year. Next month we will send out our Annual Report, but we covet your prayers as we continue to follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus by pursuing lost people groups in the most remote and difficult parts of Asia.
There is much work to do! Do not be deceived as many believers are, into thinking the work of reaching the world is basically completed and we can now sit back and relax. Are you waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus to this earth? So are we! But He will not, and cannot return until there are worshippers of the Lamb from among every "tribe, language, people and nation" (see Rev. 5, and Rev. 7).
According to our latest research, out of a total of 6,540 distinct ethnic groups in the Asian countries we are targeting, 5,005 groups are still considered "most unreached" and are yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This month we would like to share a short 7-minute video of just one of the unreached people groups of Asia - the little-known Kalash people of north Pakistan. This video will give you an insight into the kind of environment these groups live in, and why they remain unevangelized. As you will see, even travelling to the Kalash area is not for the faint-hearted. They will never know the Lord Jesus unless Christians first pray fervently for their salvation, so we invite you to watch the video and pray that the Kalash people may soon hear the Gospel and the Name of Jesus will be rightly glorified among this unique tribe.
Asia Harvest currently supports more than 1,000 Asian missionaries in over 600 unreached people groups through the Asian Workers' Fund. These servants of the Lord have committed their whole lives to the Gospel but are hindered by lack of finances. You can help share in the support these dedicated workers for $25 per month each. A prayer card and bi-annual updates are sent to all regular donors of this project. Click here to learn more.
"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest