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Emergency in Nepal

The Himalayan kingdom of Nepal urgently needs your prayers and help. On Saturday April 25, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the nation. More than 3,500 people are already confirmed dead, but this number is expected to rise sharply by the thousands in coming days. Seismologists say the quake was 22 times more powerful than the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

Asia Harvest has been serving in Nepal since April 1990 - exactly 25 years ago. We currently support over 100 Nepali missionaries throughout the country. Communications are down in much of Nepal, but we have managed to hear from our three largest ministry partners. They report widespread devastation and fear, and while it is not known if any of their workers have died, a number of their immediate family members have perished and everyone is sleeping outside, too afraid to go inside buildings as frequent aftershocks continue to strike. Due to the remote locations of many of the workers, it may take weeks before a clear picture emerges of the loss of life and the scale of the disaster.

Please pray for the people of Nepal. Pray this disaster will turn hearts toward the Lord Jesus Christ, and many will find eternal life in Him. Our partners are best placed to help their local communities.

Please consider a donation to our Persecution & Relief fund. All funds we receive will go to Nepal and provide necessities including blankets, medicine, food, water, tents and clothing. Once the initial rescue stage has been completed we will use funds for the rehabilitation stage so that people can start to get back on their feet again.

1. By 
credit or debit card or Paypal to our Persecution & Relief fund
2. By mailing a check/cheque to one of our offices (see addresses on our 
Contact page)
3. By bank transfer to one of our acounts around the world (see our 
Contact page)

We guarantee that all donated funds will be sent directly to the relief efforts in Nepal. Nothing is taken out for administration or any other expense.

Please check our website for updates in the coming days.

Thank you and may God be glorified among all the peoples of Nepal!
The team at Asia Harvest

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"Feel free to share this message with interested Christians or on social media" - Asia Harvest

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